Friday, July 25, 2014

My Daughter in History

On March 31st, 2014 my digital was dead and I was told that it was the day Moroni would be put on top of the Provo City Center Temple. I didn't know what time, so I stashed my film camera in my bag and went along my day. Rubye and I just ran an errand and on the way back we drove by the temple and there was Moroni laying on the ground with people all around. So we parked and thought we would watch. We live just down the street so I called a neighbor and told her it was happening, so she came with her children to watch with us. We even made it on the news. Yes, un-showered, glasses on, pony-tail in, and an oversized plaid shirt - me, made it on the news saying how its not every day you get to watch this kind of history being made. I mostly wanted to document for Rubye that she was there. When she is 30 or 40-something and brings her children to Utah, as all mormons do at some point, when she stands in front of this temple she can talk about how she was here, how she sat on that bench and watched, and clapped and shouted "Yay! Temple!" I think that's important. 

Provo, UT

While we're talking about my daughter, I do have one. I seldom put her on here because at the beginning of a semester at school one of my professors gave a long speech to the class, 90% of which were girls, about how being a photo student was a poor choice. How being a photographer was pointless for a career. How he knows several photographers whose real job is being a grocery clerk so they can support there family and they photograph on the side, nothing really coming of it. And if we are being a photo student just so we can take good photographs of our children then it was a waste of our time and an education. That's what I got out of it at least. I left that class so upset and mad I could have punched someone in the face, instead I swore I would not get married, have children and only photograph them, and blog about them. So that has led to an extreme lack of good photos of my daughter. She is mostly photographed on a cell phone, and sometimes put on facebook via instagram.  So, here is my one blog post for a while to come about Rubye. I love her very much, and I think she is beautiful. These are her 2 year portraits her great grandma had to ask me to take and send to her. I am no Sally Mann, nor have I ever intended to be. Remember I am still working on who I am as a photographer, but I know I am a photographer.  

Rexburg, ID

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Clara's Blessing

You may remember my niece from this post.  
She was blessed in May so we went down to Utah to participate in the festivities and take a few photos.


Payson, UT

Friday, July 18, 2014

Officially Published!

Back in my last year of collage (2011), I was recruited to help make new informational signs for Mesa Falls, in Idaho. They are a set of water falls in Targhee National Forest. I went up several times and shot a whole list of things that needed to be re-photographed, you may remember this blog post. The group that was assembled to work on the project crumbled but I kept in contact with the forest ranger over the project, Sue. Four years later something came of it! I was 90% sure I wouldn't hear anything back, and that if my photos were used I would have no idea and I wouldn't get any credit or payment.  A few months ago she found me and told me that new signs were finally being made and that she didn't think any of my photos made it on the signs but I did make it on the website.  Last weekend we went up to the falls to look at the new signs and meet with Sue. We think at least one of my photos are on the signs, without credit, but I do have several photos scattered all over the website, some with credit, some without. Go take a look, my name is at the bottom of THIS page but look at the other pages and heck, assume any photos you want is mine since some of them may be.

I am thankful I got to work on the project under Sue who remembered me and my work. I am thankful I had a reason to wake up early and spend a few hours to myself photographing the landscape. I am grateful I got to go camping one night where no one else is allowed to camp with bear mace, that was cool. I am thankful I got a reason to explore parts of Idaho I would have never known about without this project. I am thankful I got published. I have a lot to be thankful for as a photographer.  

Monday, July 14, 2014

Riley Dunks

You may remember this lady? She is my best girl friend from my last two years of high school in Eugene, Or. This shows you how much we have grown up since we first met in 2004. She recently had this little boy and in April when I was home for my little sisters wedding I stopped by and we had a little photo shoot. Who dosn't look for a reason to play with a new baby? And he is a good baby. He only cryer once as you can see below and that was even with us putting him on a lawn mower and a jeep. Take a look and feel free to congratulate Cali on her sweet new addition!


Springfield, OR